retour à la collection Magicville
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Carte VO Carte VF dispo 1er prix
Angry Mob Foule en colère 1 5.00
Blood of the Martyr 3 0.50
Brainwash Lavage de cerveau 9 0.10
Cleansing 2 50.00
Dust to Dust De la poussière à la poussière 5 16.00
Exorcist 5 14.48
Fasting 3 0.50
Festival 6 0.20
Fire and Brimstone 2 2.50
Holy Light 5 0.40
Knights of Thorn 1 20.00
Martyr's Cry 1 50.00
Miracle Worker 13 0.10
Morale Moral 9 0.10
Pikemen Piquiers 5 0.10
Preacher 3 175.00
Squire Écuyer 6 0.10
Tivadar's Crusade 2 3.00
Witch Hunter Chasseur de sorcières 3 15.00
Amnesia 2 20.00
Apprentice Wizard Apprenti sorcier 2 12.00
Dance of Many Danse innombrable 3 4.50
Deep Water 8 0.05
Drowned 5 0.15
Electric Eel 1 8.00
Erosion Érosion 6 0.10
Flood Inondation 1 4.00
Ghost Ship Navire fantôme 6 0.10
Giant Shark 11 0.10
Leviathan Léviathan 1 30.00
Mana Vortex 2 74.00
Merfolk Assassin Assassin ondin 2 2.00
Mind Bomb Bombe cérébrale 2 25.00
Psychic Allergy 2 30.00
Riptide 12 0.08
Sunken City Cité engloutie 3 0.70
Tangle Kelp 4 0.50
Water Wurm 11 0.15
Ashes to Ashes Des cendres aux cendres 2 0.40
Banshee 4 2.50
Bog Imp Diablotin des marécages 9 0.10
Bog Rats Rats des marécages 11 0.08
Curse Artifact 0 N/A
Eater of the Dead 4 25.00
Frankenstein's Monster 3 30.00
Grave Robbers 6 4.00
Inquisition 10 0.10
Marsh Gas Gaz des marais 11 0.10
Murk Dwellers Habitants des ténèbres 3 0.10
Nameless Race 3 20.00
Rag Man Loqueteux 1 40.00
Season of the Witch 2 85.00
The Fallen 3 0.50
Uncle Istvan Oncle Istvân 2 2.00
Word of Binding Mot d'entraves 4 0.10
Worms of the Earth 3 10.00
Ball Lightning Boule fulgurante 2 40.00
Blood Moon Lune de Sang 5 75.00
Brothers of Fire Frères du feu 5 0.10
Cave People Peuple des cavernes 2 0.20
Eternal Flame 2 14.00
Fire Drake Drakôn de feu 1 0.20
Fissure Fissure 4 0.50
Goblin Caves 3 0.50
Goblin Digging Team Équipe de minage gobeline 1 1.50
Goblin Hero Héros gobelin 11 0.10
Goblin Rock Sled Luge des gobelins 14 0.10
Goblin Shrine 12 0.08
Goblin Wizard 2 100.00
Goblins of the Flarg 4 0.10
Inferno Fournaise 0 N/A
Mana Clash Choc de mana 2 12.00
Orc General 1 4.50
Sisters of the Flame Sœurs de la flamme 2 0.20
Carnivorous Plant Plante carnivore 8 0.10
Elves of Deep Shadow Elfes de l'ombre profonde 1 25.00
Gaea's Touch 9 4.50
Hidden Path 3 20.00
Land Leeches Sangsues terrestres 11 0.10
Lurker 0 N/A
Marsh Viper Vipère des marais 8 0.08
Niall Silvain 1 35.00
People of the Woods 5 0.50
Savaen Elves 6 0.10
Scarwood Bandits 2 16.00
Scarwood Hag 2 0.50
Scavenger Folk Maraudeurs 6 0.15
Spitting Slug Limace cracheuse 3 0.50
Tracker 4 15.00
Venom Venin 3 0.10
Whippoorwill 6 1.00
Wormwood Treefolk 2 7.50
Dark Heart of the Wood Cœur noir du bois 8 0.20
Marsh Goblins 8 0.05
Scarwood Goblins 16 0.07
Barl's Cage Cage de Barl 2 16.00
Bone Flute 4 0.40
Book of Rass 6 1.00
City of Shadows 9 35.00
Coal Golem 7 0.50
Dark Sphere 7 6.20
Diabolic Machine Machine diabolique 1 0.50
Fellwar Stone Pierre de Guermont 6 10.00
Fountain of Youth Fontaine de jouvence 4 2.00
Living Armor 6 0.40
Maze of Ith Labyrinthe d'Ith 9 8.99
Necropolis 4 0.75
Reflecting Mirror 2 2.00
Runesword 3 0.50
Safe Haven Havre de paix 10 4.75
Scarecrow 4 3.00
Skull of Orm Crane d'Orm 5 2.00
Sorrow's Path 4 7.90
Standing Stones 1 1.50
Stone Calendar 2 45.00
Tormod's Crypt Crypte de Tormod 4 15.00
Tower of Coireall 6 0.40
Wand of Ith 9 1.00
War Barge Barge de guerre 3 0.50