
Les Haut-Faits
Art game 2024 #910 7ème
Art game 2024 #902 9ème
Art game 2024 #901 8ème
Art game 2024 #898 6ème
Art game 2024 #894 8ème
Art game 2024 #892 9ème
Art game 2024 #891 7ème
Art game 2024 #890 9ème
Art game 2024 #889 9ème
Art game 2024 #888 9ème
Art game 2024 #887 10ème
Art game 2024 #886 9ème
Art game 2024 #885 7ème
Art game 2024 #883 10ème
Art game 2024 #882 8ème
Art game 2024 #880 8ème
Art game 2024 #879 9ème
Art game 2024 #878 9ème
Art game 2024 #876 9ème
Art game 2024 #875 9ème
voir tous les hauts faits

Réputation Achat/Vente
En tant que vendeur

En tant qu'acheteur

Confiance 100.00 1
Sérieux 100.00
Magicvillois monarchsan

Je suis un mâle, né le 11/09/79
Je vis à Apprenti stagiaire back in hex, Team trashtalk
Inscrit depuis le 15/01/08
Je joue CASUAL, et j'en suis fier...

Ben, je joue pour le fun, on peut dire que la compétition m'intéresse pas trop (faut être riche pour ça, 4 tarmo, c'est pas donné :))

Ha oui, j'oubliais, je suis de nouveau dans le 78 (proche Versailles, St Germain, Plaisir!...

PUB : Un endroit sympa (peasant, une ligue EDH...) où jouer pas très loin de Paris : Viendez ici!!!

Quelques quotes :

Death of Art : "On nous paye à boire si on participe?"

katana : A nouveau merci snipi!

C99 : Il faut ban Magicville de Hugoken !

smc : faire le smc (sans capitales, merci), c'est de toute façon mieux que faire quoi que ce soit d'autre!
"Coro s'est trompé moins souvent que moi sur ce forum, donc on peut lui faire confiance. "

Darkent : J'ai l'impression que JMB a inventé le topic injettable. Des qu'un modo tente de l'envoyer à la pou, il arrive à s'auto échapper.

Mitekoshi : darkent et hugoken sont 2 des personne dont les intervention sont les plus interessante a lire donc leur ban serait stupide et les discution autour reste vide d interet et de profondeur bref ^^

OL-iv : "Mais tu sais tout le monde peut pas laisser son gros cul assis sur sa chaise toutes la journée devant un écran rempli de tache de foutre sur MV, You porn, et MTG wallonie. Faut aussi aller travailler. :/"

Qui? : "On pourrait créer un statut de membre "pop corn premium" à 5 /mois, qui donnerait accès à tous les messages phasés, à tous les mps et à tous les bans, messages de modos inclus."

Zefreidz : "Je ne comprenais pad ce topic,et hier ma femme qui regarde un peu plus la télé m 'as éclairé...
Venant de toi darkent,je suis surpris....en fait t 'es un humain"

Molodiets : "je connais cette technique. tu prends un deck de pro. tu retires les cartes en commençant par les meilleures et tu les remplaces par des cartes pourries injouables et qui ont aucun rapport. c'est super fun."

Noskcaj : "Moi ? Me mettre au multi ?
Moi, jouer dans un format ou quand tu joue de bonnes cartes tu meurt ?
Jamais de la vie !"

Tatanka : "Il veut voire tes nichons et ton pénis, c'est plus clair?"

Karacle : "Le cas s'est produit hier soir, sur le coup j'ai eu gain de cause mais plus parce que le pinard et les bières étaient finis que pour autre chose..."

Ender :"C'est malheureux les joueurs de T2 de SCG n'avaient plus d'île pour leurs decks dragon elles étaient toutes prises par les joueurs de modern et legacy :(".

JMB himself :"
Citation :

(comme ça JMB pourra nous faire un solo de beat-box avec son anus)

Qui a balancé ma botte secrète pour pécho ?".

Sieur FEVIN :
Citation :
GAA c'est plus vraiment ce que c'était ds un Meta ou tu as un mu 20/80 contre yisan ou touts les decks a base d'elfes te défonces,jamais je fais le choix de jouer le deck,malgré l'avoir joué longtemps.
Après pour les 3 autres decks Yisan/sidisi,ok les packs les + joués donc ce qui perfent le +
Tasigur est peux joué,a tord évidement..

Voila un bon moyen de gagner; être un des seuls à comprendre le format.

le le 22/11/2015 0:37, Birdish :
Citation :
Non, en vrai fumer c'est mal

Ouais d'ailleurs mal ou pas mal j'm'en fous.

Non, si vous avez besoin de THC pour vous rendre flex, de mezcaline pour vous ouvrir la perception de la douzième dimension, ou d'éthanol pour vous faire oublier que vous vous tapez pas des gonzesses de magazines, faites pas les choses à moitié. Choisissez la voie de l'autosuffisance et suivez l'exemple de SexyPanda : utilisez la force de votre esprit et faites muter vos gènes. Votre cerveau produira son propre LSD et pis basta !


Les viles créatures supposées assurer notre sécurité ont malgré tout assez de matière cérébrale pour être dotées de sensibilité. En situation de stress, et malgré leur formation, elles marchent donc souvent à l'action/réaction (elles se retrouvent ainsi qu niveau du supporter lambda, du random joueur control, ou de autre forme de vie primitive.

Quand je commence et que l'adversaire a mull pour faire dork T1, je joue Smallpox et j'ai gagné la partie. Je pense qu'on devrait bannir Smallpox.

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Taru's cube : http://www.cubetutor.com/viewcube/24495
17:30 Monarchsan question, for conspiracy cards, like the chimer, should card be color identity?
17:30 Shadow_Plays Yes.
17:30 Monarchsan ok
17:30 djy4p3 If you're using a card that's not in your deck, it can be any color
17:30 Shadow_Plays Thought it should still be part of color identity.
17:30 Monarchsan it says, a crad you drafted that's not in your deck
17:31 djy4p3 Any card you drafted. And you can draft cards outside your colors
17:31 Monarchsan ok

Non Darkent c'est un bamboula, et Nosk c'est un pédé. Des pertes malheureuse mais souhai.. euh, acceptables dans un futur proche.

Ce qu'il y'a de bizare dans cette histoire de délit d'initié c'est que les gens jettent des cailloux sur Moondust / Mars / Zgana parce qu'ils jouent tout en faisant partie du comité.

Et en même temps on me jette des cailloux parce que je suis au comité sans faire de tournois.

Du coup la solution n'est pas évidente à trouver.

Citation :

Il faudrait sans doute prendre des doigts d'enfants pour maximiser le bouzin.

Mouaip, mais :

- Qu'est-ce que tu fais ici petit ?
- Homoncule.

On a vite fait d'avoir un malentendu.

Heu, l'esprit de Noël, c'est tout ce que tu veux, mais pas taquin normalement. ( JMB)

le 05/07/2017 0:05

C'est quand même hyper violent ! Et des chats corrects en , t'en a quand même quelques uns !
De toute façon, vu le mot-clef associé à cette nouvelle édition Commander, y'en a forcément au moins un qui va dégénérer et être banni... X)

Sinon, pour répondre à la question, comme d'habitude, la meilleure manière à disposition de mono-rouge pour gérer les problèmes pénibles, c'est de tuer le méchant qui les contrôle avant qu'il n'ait le temps d'en faire mauvais usage.


[02:37:44]  CustomDong: You cannot cast noncreature spells.
You may spend mana as if it were any color to cast creature spells.
Creature spells you cast cost 3 less to cast for each creature you've cast this turn.
Whenever you cast a creature spell, you may look at the top 3 cards of your library and reveal a creature card from among them. Put that card into your hand and the rest into the graveyard.
10 cost
2 of each color

[06:40:49] 6fingers's turn.

[06:40:49] Untap
[06:40:51] monarchsan draws 7 card(s).
[06:41:05] monarchsan taps Not me.
[06:41:08] monarchsan destroys Not me.
[06:41:08] Draw
[06:41:09] 6fingers draws 1 card(s).
[06:41:10] First Main
[06:41:12] 6fingers puts Island into play from their hand.
[06:41:12] 6fingers taps Island.
[06:41:13] 6fingers plays Sol Ring from their hand.
[06:41:14] 6fingers puts Sol Ring into play from the stack.
[06:41:15] End/Cleanup
[06:41:18]  monarchsan: nice
[06:41:18]  telleo: Ouch
[06:41:21]  6fingers: free mull?
got it pick 2
[06:41:31]  monarchsan: this is Edh game, turn one, sol Ring!!!
[06:41:39]  6fingers: as you do
[06:41:50]  monarchsan: yeah, first mull is free
[06:41:53]  6fingers: kk
lets go
[06:41:57]  Dominus: uhhhhhh
I think something is wrong?

[06:42:05] Dominus's turn.

[06:42:05] Untap
[06:42:06] Draw
[06:42:06] Dominus draws 1 card(s).
[06:42:06] First Main
[06:42:07] Dominus puts Plains into play from their hand.
[06:42:08] Dominus taps Plains.
[06:42:09] Dominus puts Sol Ring into play from their hand.
[06:42:12]  telleo: Lol
[06:42:18]  6fingers: lolol
[06:42:24] End/Cleanup
[06:42:28]  monarchsan: ughWait
[06:42:30]  6fingers: imagine getting 2
[06:42:34]  monarchsan: that's not possible!
[06:42:38]  Dominus: ?
[06:42:44]  telleo: Monarch I swear if you drop a sol ring T1 too I'mma lose it
[06:42:47]  Dominus: That's what I said
[06:42:56]  6fingers: doms deck doesn't match?
[06:43:28]  telleo: ?
[06:43:38]  6fingers:
n9p3glog vs k603n22i
[06:43:44]  monarchsan: yeah, Dominus...
[06:43:49]  6fingers: checksum has failed
[06:43:55]  Dominus: ?
[06:44:19]  6fingers: did you make cuts after downloading?
[06:44:23]  monarchsan: Dominus, just your number of deck is different than the one drafted
[06:44:37]  Dominus: Yeah I download, then make the deck
[06:44:45]  monarchsan: so, 2 solutions : You made a mistake, it can happens...
[06:44:56]  6fingers: its cool
next time just unlock your sideboard
and make changes there
[06:45:27]  Dominus: No but like, I shouldn't be able to have Sol Ring if you have Sol Ring, that's what I was saying
[06:45:28]  monarchsan: You just trying to screw us, and, you'll be blacklisted from a lot of people ther!
What do you pllaid?
[06:45:53]  telleo: plead?
[06:46:11]  monarchsan: but, just, NEVER can have 2 players having a sol ring!
[06:46:36]  6fingers: might be the draft websites fault
[06:46:39]  Dominus: I plead, honestly, that I cheated. I was tempted when building the deck and thought "Is there any sort of checks and balances against making changes?" and threw in one card, a sol ring, to test. I'm willing to forfeit with dishonor as I've been caught, or whatever other compensation
[06:46:47]  monarchsan: there's only one Sol Ring in that cube list!
[06:46:49]  Dominus: Nah, not the site's fault, I cheated it into the list
[06:46:49]  6fingers: wat
[06:47:08]  Dominus: No sense lying about it now
I apologize
[06:47:16]  6fingers: F
[06:47:20]  monarchsan: just, how can be 2 sol rings when only one in cube list!?
[06:47:26]  Dominus: I will gladly show the deck list to show I did not make any other changes
[06:48:20]  telleo: So, at the very least, should exile Sol Ring.
[06:48:26]  monarchsan: dude, you put a Sol ring in the deck knowing we play Cube Draft!!! I mean, really?
[06:48:28]  Dominus: Yeah just waiting on the host to make a call
Yes I know, I did a shitty thing and I apologize, as I said it was mainly out of curiosity if there was some sort of way to keep people from cheating (and there is)
That's why I didn't cheat something insane
[06:48:56]  monarchsan: exile your sol ring
[06:49:04] Dominus exiles Sol Ring from play.
[06:49:13]  monarchsan: and pass turn

[06:49:15] telleo's turn.

[06:49:15] Untap
[06:49:18] Upkeep
[06:49:19] Draw
[06:49:19] telleo draws 1 card(s).
[06:49:20] First Main
[06:49:23] telleo puts Verdant Catacombs into play from their hand.
[06:49:25] telleo sets counter life to 39 (-1).
[06:49:26] telleo taps Verdant Catacombs.
[06:49:27] telleo puts Verdant Catacombs from play into their graveyard.
[06:49:27]  monarchsan: Dude, really, First time i see that!!!
[06:49:30] telleo is looking at their library.
[06:49:44] telleo puts Tropical Island into play from their library.
[06:49:46] telleo stops looking at their library.
[06:49:46] telleo shuffles their library.
[06:49:47] telleo taps Tropical Island.
[06:49:48] telleo plays Sensei's Divining Top from their hand.
[06:49:51]  telleo: SOL RING
No jk
[06:49:54] telleo puts Sensei's Divining Top into play from the stack.
[06:49:56] End/Cleanup
[06:50:12]  Dominus: So I guess in the future I'll just make my deck on the site and then there's proof htere's no tampering?
[06:50:24]  monarchsan: not really "Sol ring" the problem
[06:50:48]  Dominus: Well you can believe me or not but it really was just out of curiosity if it could be done
[06:50:54]  telleo: I mean.
Curiosity or not.
[06:50:57]  Dominus: Otherwise I'd have taken like, Vorinclex or something dumb
[06:51:01]  telleo: It's kinda shitty
[06:51:06]  Dominus: It is, and I apologized
Not sure what else I can do other than F2
[06:51:40]  6fingers: @monarchsan
you're up
[06:52:13]  monarchsan: just the fact intentionnal cheat, you know your opponents will see that with "deck hashcode", ok, you try, then, player just before you plays a sol ring (with good "deckcode"), and take your turn, and also play a sol ring... really?
[06:52:31]  Dominus: I didn't know about the deck hashcode

[06:52:40] monarchsan's turn.

[06:52:40] Untap
[06:52:41] monarchsan untaps their permanents.
[06:52:42] Upkeep
[06:52:43] Draw
[06:52:43] monarchsan draws 1 card(s).
[06:52:50]  Dominus: But again, sorry. I was tempted when I saw the card list on the left and my deck list on the right on cockatrice
And it must be fate that had fingers play one as well to make sure I got caught
[06:53:19]  monarchsan: you just idn't know that we'll catch you cheating? is that what you mean?
[06:53:22] First Main
[06:53:26] monarchsan puts Forest into play from their hand.
[06:53:27] End/Cleanup

[06:53:32] 6fingers's turn.

[06:53:32] Untap
[06:53:33] 6fingers untaps their permanents.
[06:53:34] Draw
[06:53:34] 6fingers draws 1 card(s).
[06:53:35] First Main
[06:53:36]  Dominus: I already said that several times, I was curious if there was any way to tell
[06:53:37] 6fingers puts Mountain into play from their hand.
[06:53:41] 6fingers taps Mountain.
[06:53:41] 6fingers taps Island.
[06:53:41] 6fingers taps Sol Ring.
[06:53:45] 6fingers plays Saheeli, Sublime Artificer from their hand.
[06:53:47] 6fingers puts Saheeli, Sublime Artificer into play from the stack.
[06:53:53] 6fingers places 5 yellow counter(s) on Saheeli, Sublime Artificer (now 5).
[06:53:57] End/Cleanup

[06:53:59] Dominus's turn.

[06:53:59] Untap
[06:54:00] Dominus untaps their permanents.
[06:54:01] Upkeep
[06:54:01] Draw
[06:54:01] Dominus draws 1 card(s).
[06:54:05] Dominus puts Forest into play from their hand.
[06:54:06] Dominus taps Plains.
[06:54:07] Dominus taps Forest.
[06:54:08] Dominus puts Evolutionary Leap into play from their hand.
[06:54:08] End/Cleanup
[06:54:22]  monarchsan: dude, not even real cards (= €€€) no tournament, just wanna have fun

[06:54:25] telleo's turn.

[06:54:25] Untap
[06:54:26] telleo untaps their permanents.
[06:54:29] Upkeep
[06:54:31] telleo taps Tropical Island.
[06:54:32] telleo points from their Sensei's Divining Top to themselves.
[06:54:37] telleo is looking at the top 3 card(s) of their library.
[06:54:41] telleo puts a card from their library into their library.
[06:54:44] telleo puts a card from their library into their library.
[06:54:47]  monarchsan: and, really! my last hopes for humanity are now gone!
[06:54:48] telleo puts a card from their library into their library.
[06:54:51] telleo puts a card from their library into their library.
[06:54:53] telleo stops looking at their library.
[06:54:56] Draw
[06:54:56] telleo draws 1 card(s).
[06:54:57] First Main
[06:55:00] telleo puts Mountain into play from their hand.
[06:55:03] End/Cleanup
[06:55:19]  Dominus: People rape kids but THIS is what pushes you over the edge