Les Haut-Faits

Réputation Achat/Vente
En tant que vendeur

En tant qu'acheteur

Magicvillois Masteroux

Je suis le 30/08/86
Je vis à In response to the declaration, I remove my contact lenses.
Inscrit depuis le 01/07/07
Avatar of Me

Suppose my eye color was brown or hazel, can my Avatar be brown or hazel? I thought the Magic game only supported the basic five colors.

Maybe in Black-Bordered World. Here in Silver-Bordered World, the accepted colors are as varied as eye color (plus pink, we'll get to that near the end). If your eyes are brown, your Avatar is brown.

Does that mean that when I'm asked to choose a color, while playing with silver-bordered cards, that I can choose brown or hazel (or gasp, even pink)?

Yes, it does. Have fun.

Do colored contact lenses count for eye color?

Yes, they do.

Great. Can I take them out in response to a spell to save my creature (for example, I'm wearing white colored contact lenses and my opponent plays Execute)?

Why yes you may. Just remember to say, "In response to your declaration, I remove my contact lenses."

Let's suppose I'm actress Kate Bosworth (she has one blue eye and one hazel eye -- this is important to know). What color is my Avatar of Me?

Blue and hazel. Yes, Kate's Avatar is multi-colored.

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