Les Haut-Faits

Réputation Achat/Vente
En tant que vendeur

En tant qu'acheteur

Confiance 100.00 30
Sérieux 100.00
Titre Position # points date
Illustration Breya, Etherium Shaper 5 24/05/2024
Illustration Shepherd of the Cosmos 5 17/03/2023
Illustration Drafna, Founder of Lat-Nam 5 05/11/2022
Illustration Nine-Fingers Keene 5 30/05/2022
Illustration Vhal, Candlekeep Researcher 5 20/05/2022
Illustration Kozilek, Butcher of Truth 5 16/05/2022
Illustration Toluz, Clever Conductor 5 12/04/2022
Illustration Tameshi, Reality Architect 5 17/02/2022
Illustration Galea, Kindler of Hope 5 06/07/2021
Illustration Sorcerer's Broom 5 25/02/2021
Illustration Liesa, Shroud of Dusk 5 09/11/2020
Illustration Sephara, Sky's Blade 5 26/06/2019
Illustration Serra the Benevolent 5 03/06/2019
Illustration Skyline Scout 5 30/09/2018
Illustration Verix Bladewing 5 01/08/2018
Illustration Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow 5 27/07/2018
Illustration Castaway's Despair 5 14/09/2017
Illustration Gideon Jura 5 02/07/2017
Illustration Shadowstorm Vizier 5 16/06/2017
Illustration Archfiend of Ifnir 5 03/04/2017
Illustration Trueheart Duelist 5 02/04/2017
Illustration Herald of the Host 5 17/03/2017
Illustration Soldier 5 14/03/2017
Illustration Druid of the Cowl 5 14/03/2017
Illustration Urbis Protector 5 14/03/2017
Illustration Baral, Chief of Compliance 5 08/02/2017
Illustration Stealer of Secrets 5 13/09/2012
Illustration Phantasmal Image 5 28/06/2011
Illustration Phantasmal Dragon 5 28/06/2011
Illustration Phantasmal Bear 5 28/06/2011
Illustration Ghave, Guru of Spores 5 16/06/2011
Illustration Ruhan of the Fomori 5 13/06/2011
Illustration Archangel of Strife 5 13/06/2011
Illustration Command Tower 5 13/06/2011
Illustration Angel of Despair 5 13/06/2011
Illustration Animar, Soul of Elements 5 13/06/2011
Illustration Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter 5 13/06/2011
Illustration Skullbriar, the Walking Grave 5 12/06/2011
Illustration Mirran Spy 5 12/06/2011
Illustration Kaalia of the Vast 5 10/06/2011