MV anecdotes
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Sur l'illustration originale de John Avon pour la carte de rappel pour créature Cyberman, de l'édition Doctor Who, le robot est en train de tirer vers la caméra, mais WotC a modifié l'illustration en interne.

Source : John Avon Art (, le Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 5:34 PM a écrit :
"Cyberman" Doctor Who Universe token. A tie in with Magic the Gathering and the BBC. I had the heads up this was happening and requested a Cyberman, one of my favourite robots of all time!
I was asked to have it firing it's weapon directly at camera and all was approved. But in the end it needed a modification (as it appears on the card) I was just going on holiday so it was tweaked in house at WOTC. I'm quite proud of this one and here is the Drawing, Colour sketch and my original final.
#wizardsofthecoast #magicthegathering #doctorwho
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