Bruxelles, Belgique

[Multi] Banlist du 13/09/2021
le 13/09/2021 23:51
%G Worldfire est débanni.
%R Golos, Tireless Pilgrim est banni.

%T Worldfire was once banned due to the problematic interaction with floating mana and having access to your Commander. We want to foster a Commander environment where 8- and 9-mana spells are viable and likely to show up in a game, so we evaluate the expensive ones in that context. Unlike Coalition Victory and Biorhythm, which we continue to believe are problematic in that environment, the level of effort needed to make Worldfire effective is sufficient that we suspect it will not be as much of an issue. There are already cheaper ways to do similar things in the format. We believe the social contract and robust pregame discussions will keep Worldfire out of games in which it doesn’t belong.

%T Golos, Tireless Pilgrim has been a much-discussed card that is both popular to play with and unpopular to play against. There are many problems with the card, but the greatest is that in the low-to-middle tiers where we focus the banlist, Golos is simply a better choice of leader for all but the most commander-centric decks. Its presence crushes the kind of diversity in commander choice which we want to promote. You can drop in Golos and a few 5-color lands into a random deck and get all the ramp and card advantage you would ever want from a commander, with no worries about your mana base. Golos’s ability effectively reduces the commander tax to one and once you hit seven mana (with Golos assuring that you have %W%U%B%R%G and helping you get there quickly), you don’t need to do anything for the rest of the game except cast spells for free—something we always want to be careful about. We’ve talked to the folks in Studio X and they understand the problems created by generically-powerful five-color commanders that don’t have %W%U%B%R%G in their mana cost. We don’t expect similar cards to come from them in the future, so a surgical strike now makes sense. We understand that many players love Golos, so we don’t take this action lightly. In the end, the health of the format is our primary concern and we find Golos unhealthy. While Kenrith, the Returned King is a similarly flexible and popular commander for good stuff five color decks, we see it as a clear step down from Golos.

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Poisscaille de combat
le 14/09/2021 7:32
J ai un collègue qui joue golos superfriends pas sûr qu'il apprecie la nouvelle :/
Protection contre les phaseurs, Traversée des *counters*

le 14/09/2021 9:16
En multi, la banlist t'en fait ce que tu veux. Typiquement, Armageddon n'est pas sur la banlist mais est interdite par de nombreux groupes de joueurs. Inversement, si son groupe de joueurs choisit de tolérer Golos, alors il peut continuer avec
modo Rum/MA/Sto

le 14/09/2021 10:59
En multi, c'est banni en tant que commandant ainsi que carte du deck, si ma mémoire est bonne ?
Protection contre les phaseurs, Traversée des *counters*

le 14/09/2021 11:35
Exact - le multi ne connait pas les subtilités de la banlist DC
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