[HB] Stenn Daylight (30/07/2023)
modifié il y a 9 mois par
Maindeck : 99
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3 Créatures
41 Éphémères
Cartes par Type
Ter Art Cré Ench Éph Rit Pla
Cartes par Couleur
Ter Art
Mana Curve
Terrains et réserve non comptabilisés

Commentaire sur le deck
le 03/08/2023 1:00
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le 31/03/2023 0:30
From 20/03/2023 version to 31/03/2023v:

Added a Whir of Invention Package cause I felt that Mindsplice Apparatus was so broken of a card if left uncheck in the deck having a way to fetch it at instant speed through Stenn discount was huge. Package includes a Metal-land so we can ramp (and find white color if anything) at the end of opp's turn. Also could fetch Sentinel Remora or a Bankbuster which I'm trying out.
Added a Soul Partition in place of destroy evil. Exile is a must sometimes and it's way more consistent and reliable (more options) though I'll agree it's not true advantage but it hits planeswalkers about to ulti or some such things so that's cool.
Got my hands on Snapy so obviously that was in and it fit in Gearhulk's place which I felt was more win-more than anything.
Added another 4-mana wrath
le 12/04/2023 22:16
From 31/03/2023 version to 12/04/2023v:
We are trying a Thing in the Ice in Tolarian Horror's stead which so far proved to be good and threatening but a dead card early on. Thing provides an option to wrath potentially earlier against elves decks or the likes hopefully giving us some breathing room.
I tried to lower the count of White only lands because it is the sort of thing where two are needed but we're using so much blue that it becomes detrimental in situations where I need to chain multiple blue spells in a turn. So we are down 2 for 2 Islands.
Counterspells got an upgrade I decided to cut on the does-nothing-late early counterspells in Anticognition and mystical dispute and Finally took the plunge and bought, well... Counterspell (I know) and Absorb Energy which always felt interesting. So far Absorb discounted me on Snapcasters and Timewarps and always felt huge in impact.
Last upgrade that felt like a definite win was Divine Purge instead of Wrath of god, It's an exile for creatures AND artifacts which are running rampant for all the ramp they provide + there are a lot of decks that are just purely artifact based, Kozilek, Jhoira, the elephant guy etc... In our deck it hits all creatures like a wrath would but also Reckoner though I had a game where exiling reckoner after it drew me 3 cards felt relevant because I could later then recast hit and actually it got me back into the game so there are tiny upsides to this even (also could cast Stenn on the 'cheap' instead of the tax).
So yeah big upgrades this far that have proved worthy of the investment in wildcards as my winrate went through 71% (Thing in the ice + the dble land switch) over 38 matches to 93% (Counter spells + Purge) over 15 matches. Very very good stuff.
And to note, all the wins from the 93% that evolved to an actual win (not concession) were resolved Approaches! Maybe I won once through damage cause Opponent silly Black suic'de deck. %B%B
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