// www.magic-ville.com deck file
// NAME : centaure enchantement
// CREATOR : erden (magic-ville.com)
// FORMAT : Legacy
4 [UL] Rancor
24 [U] Forest
3 [JOU] Strength from the Fallen
1 [EMN] Emrakul, the Promised End
4 [THS] Nylea's Disciple
3 [BNG] Courser of Kruphix
2 [AVR] Descendants' Path
3 [JOU] Pheres-Band Warchief
1 [C16] Stonehoof Chieftain
4 [BNG] Swordwise Centaur
1 [OD] Spellbane Centaur
4 [TSP] Aspect of Mongoose
4 [US] Blanchwood Armor
2 [PLC] Gaea's Anthem
