Listes de decks compétition —
Format Tournoi Joueurs date
Peasant Mtg-Peasant @ Cockatrice 8 25/02/26
Peasant Event @ Saint-Nazaire (France) 10 21/12/25
Peasant Mtg-Peasant @ Cockatrice 8 16/11/25
Pauper Finale Lega Rieti @ ManaFlow (Rieti, Italy) 8 02/03/25
Duel Commander Emraclette DC #17 "Streamlive" @ Chambéry (France) 40 02/03/25
Duel Commander Gourmet League - Manche 6 @ Art&Fact (Cahors, France) 13 02/03/25
Duel Commander MTGO League 02/03/25
Duel Commander Wool Cup Casual @ Kadou (Beijing, China) 8 02/03/25
Modern MTGO Challenge 64 91 02/03/25
Modern MTGO League 02/03/25
Modern Qualif CDF Modern @ Carta'jeu (Lyon, France) 16 02/03/25
Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 37 02/03/25
cEDH Competitive Bracket 2 @ Oasis Gaming Center (Milan, Italy) 16 01/03/25
Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 39 01/03/25
Pioneer MTGO League 01/03/25
Peasant Mtg-Peasant @ Cockatrice 8 01/03/25
Pauper Finale di lega Prague @ Najáda (Prague) 8 01/03/25
Pauper Mestari Championship @ Helsinki (Finland) 8 01/03/25
Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 52 01/03/25
Duel Commander Blood Moon DC @ (České Budějovice, Czech Republic) 13 01/03/25
Duel Commander DC Event @ Wizard's Well (Mannheim, Germany) 18 01/03/25
Duel Commander DCLeague III @ inGenio (Barcelona) 20 01/03/25
Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander Trial 16 26 01/03/25
Duel Commander Open Qualifier CDF @ Dice and Drink (Talence, France) 43 01/03/25
Duel Commander Town of RiVers @ Town of Rivers (Győr, Hungary) 12 01/03/25
Duel Commander Watermelon Champion Cup 58 @ Slow Drake (Beijing, China) 31 01/03/25
Duel Commander Weekly Duel @ Spellcast (Guarulhos, Brazil) 8 01/03/25
Modern MTGO Challenge 32 36 01/03/25
Modern MTGO Challenge 32 79 01/03/25
Modern MTGO League 01/03/25
Modern MTGO Showcase Challenge 342 01/03/25
Modern Professor Fest 2 @ La Malle (France) 77 01/03/25
Standard GGTH RCQ @ Good Games Town Hall (Sydney, Australia) 8 01/03/25
Standard MTGO Challenge 32 37 01/03/25
Standard MTGO League 01/03/25
Standard RCQ @ Cantrip Cards & Games (Ithaca, NY) 18 01/03/25
Standard RCQ @ Mox Boarding House (Portland, OR) 27 01/03/25
Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 43 01/03/25
Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 43 01/03/25
Vintage Vintage! @ On The Draw (Pottstown, PA) 12 01/03/25
Premodern FightClub MtgVar back to La Crau @ Antigaspy (La Crau, France) 28 28/02/25
cEDH Semanal @ Bolovo Games (Boqueirão, Brazil) 12 28/02/25
Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 50 28/02/25
Pioneer MTGO League 28/02/25
Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 56 28/02/25
Pauper MTGO League 28/02/25
Duel Commander FNM DC @ Le Cerf Ludique (Rambouillet, France) 16 28/02/25
Duel Commander FNM DC @ Wizards' Club (Montaigu, France) 15 28/02/25
Duel Commander FNM Duel BCN @ inGenio (Barcelona) 13 28/02/25
Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander League 28/02/25
Duel Commander Wool Cup 132 @ Kadou (Beijing, China) 14 28/02/25
Duel Commander Xplace Friday Duel @ Xplace (São Paulo, Brazil) 14 28/02/25
Modern Friday Event @ Contemporary Nook Anonas (Quezon City, Philippines) 12 28/02/25
Modern MTGO Challenge 64 79 28/02/25
Modern MTGO League 28/02/25
Standard MTGO League 28/02/25
Legacy MTGO League 28/02/25
Vintage MTGO League 28/02/25
Premodern PM 4th/2025 @ Cloudpost (Bratislava, Slovakia) 10 27/02/25
Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 53 27/02/25
Pauper Finale di Lega Basso Lazio – Winter 2025 @ Italy 27/02/25
Pauper Finale Lega Oltrepò - Winter 2025 @ Oltrepò (Italy) 27/02/25
Pauper Finale Lega Viterbo – Winter 2025 @ Viterbo (Italy) 27/02/25
Pauper LPM Lecco 2025 - Final @ UESM (Milano, Italy) 73 27/02/25
Pauper Modena Magic 2025 - Winter Final @ Modena (Italy) 8 27/02/25
Pauper MTGO League 27/02/25
Pauper Royale 230 34 27/02/25
Pauper Terza Tappa Lega @ Fantasia (Verona, Italy) 20 27/02/25
Pauper Thursday Night Commons @ Regran Toys and Collectibles (Quezon City, Philippines) 8 27/02/25
Highlander Turku EUHL league (Winter #5) @ Turku (Finland) 15 27/02/25
Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander League 27/02/25
Duel Commander Thursduel BCN @ Magic Barcelona (Barcelona) 13 27/02/25
Modern MTGO Challenge 64 76 27/02/25
Modern MTGO League 27/02/25
Standard MTGO Challenge 32 59 27/02/25
Standard MTGO League 27/02/25
Legacy ecobaronenMTG Cup 1.0 16 27/02/25
Legacy Gones League 5 (Day 7) @ Trollune (Lyon, France) 24 27/02/25
Legacy MTGO League 27/02/25
Legacy Weekly Event @ Mont CardShop (Campinas, Brazil) 25 27/02/25
Vintage MTGO Challenge 32 52 27/02/25
Vintage MTGO League 27/02/25
Premodern Brasília Semanal @ Master Gaming Point (Brasília, Brazil) 16 26/02/25
Premodern Mercadian Frogs @ Troll2Jeux (Paris, France) 19 26/02/25
Pioneer MTGO League 26/02/25
Pauper 3ª Etapa Liga Aetherdrift @ Shinu Made (Jundiaí, Brazil) 16 26/02/25
Pauper Br(i)anza League #15 (Season 4) @ Italy 16 26/02/25
Pauper Finale Lega Valsusa – Winter 2025 @ Valsusa (Italy) 26/02/25
Pauper Fuguete League 213 49 26/02/25
Pauper Katowicka Liga - Winter 2025 - Final 8 26/02/25
Pauper Lab League 2025 - Tappa #8 @ Il Labirinto (Bollate, Italy) 21 26/02/25
Duel Commander Černý Rytíř "Double" Únor @ Černý Rytíř (Prague, Czech Republic) 31 26/02/25
Duel Commander Le Tord La Goule Tournament 29 @ Le Tord La Goule (Basly, France) 8 26/02/25
Duel Commander Wednesday night duel @ Monarch Games and Hobbies (Philippines) 12 26/02/25
Modern MTGO Challenge 64 104 26/02/25
Standard MTGO League 26/02/25
Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 40 26/02/25
Legacy MTGO League 26/02/25
Vintage MTGO League 26/02/25
Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 52 25/02/25
Jeweled Lotus Lattenkamp
joué le 15/06/2024

Top Decks
1 Kenrith, the Returned King Rachid Beck
2 Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Leon Schilling
3-4 Yisan, the Wanderer Bard Emil Stampa
3-4 Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain Florian Menzel
5-8 Kraum + Tymna Tino Kornitzky
5-8 Evelyn, the Covetous Derik Posdorfer
5-8 Kediss + Malcolm Leon Kratz
5-8 Tymna + Kraum Jeremy Rowe
9-16 Thrasios + Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith René Bonn
9-16 K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth Jan Sarach
9-16 Silas Renn + Rograkh Jan Wegner
9-16 Tymna + Kraum Nicky Lindholm Karlsen
9-16 Sisay, Weatherlight Captain Kai-leon Sauer
9-16 Silas Renn + Rograkh Christopher Krüger
9-16 Talion, the Kindly Lord Jonas Bornmann
9-16 Tymna + Kraum Engin Harman
17-32 Prosper, Tome-Bound Daniel Bittner
17-32 Tymna + Tana Nawin Grabowsky
17-32 Magda, Brazen Outlaw André Klarmann
17-32 Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa + Dargo Lennard Dionn Westphal
17-32 Nadu, Winged Wisdom Manuel Zimmermann
17-32 Magda, Brazen Outlaw Julius Burchardt
17-32 Silas Renn + Rograkh Jan Lenger
17-32 Sisay, Weatherlight Captain Andre Schmalfeld
17-32 Selvala, Heart of the Wilds Markus Scholl
17-32 Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons Leon Brocks
17-32 Inalla, Archmage Ritualist Thomas Nick
17-32 Sisay, Weatherlight Captain Mads Alsted Petersson
17-32 Derevi, Empyrial Tactician Martial Augustin
17-32 Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain Daniel Schulz
17-32 Kediss + Malcolm Cagri Kanat
17-32 Tymna + Kraum Urs Schumann