Synergie 1 decks "Top 8" jouent cette combo.
1 en main
1 en main
Combo proposée le 21/11/2002, commentaire de :

Lancer la chaîne de plasma, qui, en slight est un bonne carte (3 pour 2 reste correct) de plus, si votre adversaire a le malheur de vouloir la renvoyer sur vous ou une de vos créatures, vous pouvez choisir de défausser le tempérament.

Soit, pour 3 manas, vous collez 9 et prenez 3 :)

(3 pour la chaîne, 6 pour le tempérament et la chaîne renvoyée)

NdZeSword: Effectivement !
Aaron Forsythe a écrit :
The new Onslaught Chain spells are sort of a risky proposition because your opponent has the option of copying them back in your direction. Well, you can tilt the odds in your favor and dare him to continue the chain by playing with cards you want to discard!

Let's say you cast Chain of Plasma at your opponent. You have an annoying little Grim Lavamancer in play. Now, your opponent takes three damage and then has the option of discarding a card to continue the "chain," dealing three to either you or your Lavamancer. Maybe he really wants to kill the Lavamancer, so he opts to continue and discards a card. Now it's your turn to decide whether or not to continue the chain. You decide to, and discard... Fiery Temper. For another %R, you can play the Temper with its madness cost, dealing six total back to your opponent! That's nine damage for three mana and two cards!

Needless to say, your opponents probably won't elect to continue the chains very often against you once you torch them with this little number, which is still a fine outcome. It effectively removes the drawback from Chain of Plasma altogether.