1 sur le champ de bataille
1 sur le champ de bataille
Combo proposée le 21/10/2002, commentaire de Latex :

sacrifier le Boucher en réponse à son effet d'arrivé en jeu histoire que la capacité de départ se résolve avant celle d'entrée, résultat la bête est définitivement hors jeu et on a boosté la carapace en bonus. (même chose avec carapace de nantuko et Fielleux mesmérien pour retirer des cartes de la partie)

Aaron Forsythe a écrit :
This combo involves a complicated "stack trick" and a good understanding of the rules (Rune will be going over it in his column, I'm sure.).

The basic trick is this: play Faceless Butcher and chose a target for its comes-into-play effect. Before that effect resolves, sacrifice the Butcher to the Nantuko Husk, making the Husk a 4/4, and putting the Butcher's leaves-play effect on the stack above its comes-into-play effect. The creature targeted for removal is still in play, so it can't be returned to play. The last thing to resolve is the Butcher's comes-into-play ability, removing the intended target from the game permanently. Then you get to attack for four! (The Torment FAQ goes over the rules involving Nightmares and the stack in a little more detail.)

Before the Husk came out, you could simulate this combo in Standard using Faceless Butcher and an enchantment like Malevolent Awakening or Animal Boneyard, but those cost mana and don't give you a 4/4 attacker. You can substitute Mesmeric Fiend, Slithery Stalker, or even Gravegouger for the Butcher depending on what you feel like annihilating.