1 sur le champ de bataille
1 sur le champ de bataille
1 sur le champ de bataille
Combo proposée le 15/07/2002, commentaire de sibby :

Tu poses les trois cartes... Tu vois la main de ton adversaire et tu choisis s'il la garde ou la change en engageant la boite.. De même tu peux choisir si tu gardes ta main ou si tu la changes. En plus, 10 points de dégâts, ça fait très mal!

NdZeSword: Depuis la VIe édition, les artefacts produisent leur effet même engagés (sauf pour de rares artefacts pour lesquels c'est écrit en toutes lettres dessus comme Winter Orb, Howling Mine ou Static Orb) :
Sixth Edition rules (named after the release of the Classic Sixth Edition Base Set) changed the artifact rule. Now all artifacts worked the way they were worded regardless of tapped status. A small handful of cards were "left alone" in order to preserve some of their strategic value. Winter Orb was issued errata: "As long as Winter Orb is untapped, players can't untap more than one land during their untap steps." Howling Mine and Static Orb were also errataed, and then reprinted with the new wording. And Urza's Destiny's Storage Matrix was printed with the correct wording already on it.