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1 sur le champ de bataille
Combo proposée le 30/08/2015, commentaire de warpad :

Djinn et champion en jeu, on duplicate le pacte assez de fois pour win.
vu que les blessures sont infligées avant la résolution du pacte, tout se passe bien

NdePack: ça ne marche pas: La duplication fait que tu copies le sort, mais tu ne les castes pas. Ca ne marche pas non plus pour gonfler un sort avec Storm.

Citation :
601.2. To cast a spell is to take it from the zone it's in (usually the hand), put it on the stack, and pay its costs, so that it will eventually resolve and have its effect.

702.53a Replicate is a keyword that represents two abilities. The first is a static ability that functions while the spell is on the stack. The second is a triggered ability that functions while the spell is on the stack. "Replicate [cost]" means "As an additional cost to cast this spell, you may pay [cost] any number of times" and "When you cast this spell, if a replicate cost was paid for it, copy it for each time its replicate cost was paid. If the spell has any targets, you may choose new targets for any number of the copies." Paying a spell's replicate cost follows the rules for paying additional costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2e-g.