Synergie 114 decks "Top 8" jouent cette combo.
1 en main
1 en main
2 en main
Combo proposée le 10/12/2005, commentaire de asterixVI :


Combo bi color n'ayant pas de Casting coast très elevé et donc assez jouable.


1) On joue le forbid.
2) On Utilise son rappel on défausse 2 land.
3) On dredge via la vie on récupère les lands
4) On recommence

C'est un contre "infini" jusqu'à ce qu'il n'y ait plus de bibliothèque.

NdZeSword: Anecdote du GP Copenhagen, novembre 2005 : Kai Budde voulait jouer cette combo... mais malheureusement Forbid venait de partir à la rotation de l'étendu !
Kai Budde is undoubtedly the greatest Magic player the world has seen, but this little gem goes to show that even best can sometimes slip up. Budde's been a little quiet of late, even foregoing the recent Pro Tour in Los Angeles. Denmark is just across the border though and so the German Juggernaut decided to put in appearance. Kai is running the Psychatog deck that splashes green for Life from the Loam. Unfortunately there was a slight error with his deck list. While Forbid would be insane with Life from the Loam there is the small problem that Forbid is no longer legal in post-rotation Extended. Nice combo though.

For the error Kai has the disadvantage of having to start out with a game loss and would have to replace the offending cards with basic land. As there was only one Forbid it shouldn't be too hard for the German star to bounce back. Sure enough, he shrugged off the game loss and won his fourth round matchup.

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le 05/09/2008 21:30
Bénédiction selon gaia.;)
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